STRING_SPLIT Enhancements : Optional Ordinal Number Now Available

Was playing with STRING_SPLIT function the other day in my Azure SQL database instance and happened to notice a small enhancement which seems to have appeared. The STRING_SPLIT function now includes a new optional parameter which can be used for…

Fun with SQL – Find out numbers where adjacent digit differs by 1

My friend and mentor Madhivanan had posted an interesting scenario on his blog and gave it as a challenge for others The question was below I decided to have a try myself on thisHere;s my version of the query…

SQLServer : Real Time Streaming RDBMS Data Using Apache Kafka Platform

Problem Statement  There is an application database hosted in a SQLServer instance which is capturing data from a automation software including the readings as well as general health related details of multiple machines.  The requirement asks for the creation of…

Graph Table Enhancements : Edge Constraints, Utility Functions

The second part of the article can be found here Here I have explained on the concept of Edge Constraints and how they can be used to enforce the relationships between Node tables within an Edge table. The article also…

SQL Agent Tips: Using JOBID Token in T-SQL Job Steps To Fetch The Job GUID

Introduction One of the pretty cool features available in SQL Server Agent is the ability to use tokens for returning values for many system parameters at runtime (for example Server Name, Job Name, Database Name etc).Recently there was an issue…